evaluating low carbon communities
Conference presentations
Hamilton, J., Lucas, K., Hogan, B., Mayne, R., and Darby, S. 2014 Here come the energy police': social networks and energy consumption. BEHAVE Energy Conference, 3-4th September 2014, Oxford.
Gupta, R. and Barnfield, L. 2014 Quiet revolution: impacts of low carbon communities on localised energy behaviours. BEHAVE Energy Conference, 3-4th September 2014, Oxford.
Gupta, R. 2014 Evaluation of community-led energy retrofits in low-carbon communities. Retrofit Live Conference, 9-10th April 2014, Stoke-on-Trent.
Hamilton, J., Hinshelwood, E., Lucas, K. 2014 Creative Approaches to energy in a community context. RGS-IBG Annual conference, 27-29th August 2014, Royal Geographical Society, London.
Mayne, R. and Hamilton, J. Scaling up local action. Radical Emissions Reduction Conference, 10-11th December 2013, Royal Society, London.
Gupta, R., Barnfield, L. and Hipwood, T. 2013 Evaluating the impact of low carbon communities on household energy behaviours. PLEA Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future Conference, 10-12th September 2013, Munich.
Gupta, R., Barnfield, L. and Hipwood, T. 2013 Unravelling the unintended consequences of home energy improvements: emerging findings from the EVALOC project. Sustainable Building and Construction Conference 2013, 3rd-5th July 2013, Coventry University, Coventry.
Gupta, R. and Barnfield, L. 2013 EVALOC: Evaluating impact, effectiveness and success of low carbon communities on localised energy behaviours. Energised Communities: Research in Practice, 21st June 2013, Big Green Week, Bristol.
Gupta, R. and Cherian,R., 2013 Mapping communities and neighbourhoods for local carbon reductions. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2013 Summer study proceedings, 3-8 June, 2013, Belambra Les Criques, France.
Hamilton, J., Mayne, R., Bergman, N. and Parag, Y. 2013 Scaling up local energy: the role of partnerships, networks and policy. ECEEE Conference, 3rd-6th June 2013, France.
Wade, J., Parag, Y and Hamilton, J. 2013 Local energy governance: communities and energy efficiency policy. ECEEE Conference, 3rd-6th June 2013, France.
Mayne, R. 2013 Roles of low carbon community groups. Plenary presentation. Derbyshire community climate action conference, 9th March 2013, Derbyshire Council, Middleton by Wirksworth.
Mayne R, Hamilton J, and Lucas K, 2013, Achieving change: the role, change strategies and limits of low carbon communities. BEHAVE Energy Conference, September 12th 2012, Helsinki.
Gupta, R. 2012 EVALOC Project overview and research approach. Opening Keynote. EVALOC International Energy & Communities Conference, 12th September 2012, Merton College, Oxford.
Gupta, R., Barnfield, L. and Arora, P. 2012 Approaches and challenges in monitoring and evaluating low energy housing refurbishments. EVALOC International Energy & Communities Conference, 12th September 2012, Merton College, Oxford.
Cherian, R. and Gupta, R. 2012 Preparing for Green Deal: carbon mapping households in Bicester. EVALOC International Energy & Communities Conference, 12th September 2012, Merton College, Oxford.
Hamilton, J., Lucas, K. and Mayne, R. 2012 Developing action research with DECC funded energy communities in the UK. Royal Geographical Society Conference, 5th July 2012, Edinburgh.
Hamilton, J. and Mayne, R. 2012 Monitoring frameworks for low carbon communities. Transition movement workshop on monitoring and evaluation, 21st May 2012, Transition Initiative and Durham University, Bristol.
Barnfield, L. and Gupta, R. 2012 Using an action research approach to evaluate the impact, effectiveness and success of Government-funded low carbon communities on localised energy behaviours. CLUES conference: Energy in the locality. 8th May 2012, UCL, London
Gupta, R. 2012 Evaluating the impact, effectiveness and success of Government funded low carbon communities on localised energy behaviours using an action research approach. Planet Under Pressure conference, 26-29th March 2012, London.
Gupta, R. 2012 Evaluating low carbon communities. Energy and Communities Projects’ Workshop. 21st March 2012, Keele University Hub for Sustainability.
Gupta, R. 2012 Overview of EVALOC project: community and household level research. Low Carbon Communities Network Conference. 14th January 2012, Oxford.
Hamilton, J. and Mayne, R. 2012 Community-council partnerships on domestic carbon reduction. Low Carbon Communities Network Conference. 14th January 2012, Oxford.
Gupta, R. and Darby, S. 2011 Action research approach for gaining, and providing, feedback on domestic energy use to understand occupant behaviour, perceptions and expectations. Proceedings of the Energy and people: futures, complexity and challenges conference, 20-21 September 2011, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford.
Hamilton, J. 2014 Display and workshop on working with University research. CAG Oxfordshire Skillshare, 15th November 2014, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford.
Hamilton, J., Hinshelwood, E., Lucas, K. 2014 Creative Approaches to energy in a community context. Environment and Sustainability Group, University of Exeter, 21st October 2014, Exeter.
Gregg, M. 2014 Hillhouse: Carbon Mapping. Greenhead Community Meeting, Kirklees Council, 16th July 2014, Huddersfield.
Gupta, R. 2013 Evaluating the performance of low carbon buildings and communities: how far, how much? Professorial lecture, 23rd April 2014, Oxford.
Hamilton, J. and Mayne , R. 2014 Lecture for Environmental Change and Management MSc. Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. March 3rd 2014.
Gupta, R. 2013 DECoRuM model: research on carbon counting and climate change adaptation. REF Impact case study, 20th February 2014, Oxford.
Mayne, R., Fawcett, T. and Lucas, K. 2014 Climate justice: the distribution of responsibilities, costs and benefits for residential carbon reduction in the UK. ESRC Research Seminar Series on the Green Economy, 20th January 2014.
Gupta, R. 2014 Hook Norton: Carbon Mapping. EVALOC community carbon mapping presentation to the RSPB Climate Policy Team, 16th January 2014, Hook Norton.
Mayne, R. and Hamilton, J. 2014 Addressing fuel poverty in higher income communities. presentation at Oxfordshire Affordable Warmth Network meetings, 2014 bi-monthly, Oxford Town Hall, Oxford.
Hamilton, J. 2014 Lecture for Nature, Society and Environmental Policy MSc. University of Oxford, 18th November 2013.
Gupta, R. and Barnfield, L. 2013 Hook Norton: Carbon Mapping. EVALOC community carbon mapping workshop, 27th November 2013, Hook Norton.
Gupta, R. 2013 Moving towards low-carbon and climate-ready buildings. The Institution of Engineering and Technology lecture, 6th November 2013, Oxford.
Gregg, M. and Hipwood, T. 2013 Eco-Easterside: Carbon Mapping. EVALOC community carbon mapping workshop, 1st November 2013, Middlesbrough.
Gregg, M. and Barnfield, L. 2013 Awel Aman Tawe: Carbon Mapping. EVALOC community carbon mapping workshop, 30th October 2013, Cwmllynfell.
Gregg, M. and Hipwood, T. 2013 West Oxford: Carbon Mapping. EVALOC community carbon mapping workshop, 21st October 2013, Oxford.
Gupta, R. et al. 2013 Insights from EVALOC. DECC Community Energy Strategy, 23rd July 2013, Whitehall, London.
Gupta, R. et al. 2013 EVALOC: Evaluating low carbon communities. DECC Community Energy Strategy Group, 19th March 2013, Whitehall, London.
Hamilton, J. 2013 Overview of community and energy research at ECI. CAG Oxfordshire Network Evening, 9th May 2013, Oxford.
Mayne, R. 2013 Panel Presentation, Individual and Government responsibility for climate change, February 2013, Student Hub, Trinity College, Oxford.
Hamilton, J. Community Energy: challenges and solutions. HiDEF workshop: the future of community energy. 22nd November 2012, London.
Mayne, R. 2012 Low Carbon West Oxford – as a case study of integrated working. Working together: urban communities as sustainable places, 26th March 2012. Sustainable Places Division, Welsh Government and Cardiff University, Cardiff.
Mayne, R. and Hamilton, J. 2011 Behaviour change workshop. Energy workshop for communities. November 2011, Centre for Sustainable Energy, Bristol.