evaluating low carbon communities
The EVALOC project team members
Professor Rajat Gupta is Professor of Architecture and Climate Change and Director of the Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development in the School of Architecture at Oxford Brookes University.
Prof. Gupta is project lead of the £1.14million RCUK-funded EVALOC project on evaluating the impacts, effectiveness and...
Dr Nick Eyre is Programme Leader of the Lower Carbon Futures group in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford, and a Senior Research Fellow in Energy at Oriel College, Oxford. He is a Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre, leading its work on energy demand. Nick previously worked at the Energy Saving Trust as Director of Strategy and, on secondment, in Cabinet Office, where he was a co-author of the...
Dr Karen Lucas is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Transport Studies Unit. From 1997-2008, she was Director of Research for the Centre for Sustainable Development and a Principal Research Fellow in the Transport Studies Group at the University of Westminster. She has more than fifteen years of experience of undertaking action research with local communities and key decision-makers on a variety of topics and...
Sarah is deputy Programme Leader of the Lower Carbon Futures research team at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford. Her first degree was in ecological science from Edinburgh University. She joined the ECI in 1995 and gained her doctorate there, looking at social, behavioural and educational aspects of energy use and the effectiveness of energy advice programmes. her research interests centre on how...
Jo Hamilton joined the ECI in 2006, as co-ordinator of the ECI-led local engagement project Oxfordshire ClimateXchange.
ClimateXchange has helped develop and support local community groups, working alongside other local support agencies, and has worked innovatively to engage a variety of individuals and groups in climate change and energy through workshops and...
Laura is a Research Associate based in the Low Carbon Building Group of the Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development.
Prior to joining Oxford Brookes, Laura worked in a local sustainable architectural practice that drew work from a variety of sectors including the public and housing sectors. Most notably, she worked on a young people's centre with solar PV panels and...
Ruth joined the ECI in March 2011. She is a researcher with an interdisciplinary background in sustainable development issues. She has published on a range of issues and has an MSc from SOAS in development economics and a BA in development studies from the University of East Anglia.
Ruth has previously worked, among other things, as an independent consultant conducting research and...