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Household level research

Elements of study:

There are four main elements of the household level study:


  • Carbon Mapping including: baseline CO2 map to predict expected energy and CO2 savings from low-carbon interventions and mapping and communicating the monitored information through a web-based dynamic monitoring toolkit

  • Household energy surveys including: ‘measurement and monitoring’ and ‘resident feedback surveys’ (Three groups of households)

  • Energy display library and trials

  • Social network analysis


Carbon Mapping:


  • To measure, monitor and map the impacts and effectiveness of the low-carbon interventions applied in the 6 LCCs, both on a short and long term, from a technical and occupants’ perspective.


Key Outputs:

  • Baseline CO2 map to predict expected energy and CO2 savings from low-carbon interventions

  • Visualise and communicate the anticipated savings through DECoRuM to case study communities





Household Energy Surveys:


  • To measure, monitor and map the impacts and effectiveness of the low-carbon interventions applied in the 6 LCCs, both on a short and long term, from a technical and occupants’ perspective.


Key Outputs:

  • Bottom-up disaggregated dataset of monitored data of actual energy consumption, thermal environment and occupant feedback from approximately 90 households (with varying level of detail) across the six selected LCCs.


Energy and Environmental Display Library and Trials:


  • To help raise peoples’ awareness of their energy use, and reduce the amount they use by making it more visible.

  • For the library host (eg school): an interesting environmental project

  • For community group: way of widening engagement, encourage experimentation, creating buzz around energy issues

  • For EVALOC: increase understanding of the role played by energy display monitors in raising peoples’ awareness and reducing energy use


Key Outputs:

  • Feedback to community groups and host libraries

  • Guidance for community libraries plus academic articles


Social Network Analysis:


  • To understand how social networks of individuals in different communities serve to promote or suppress the take-up of and communication about new energy techniques

  • To understand how these networks map onto and interconnect with local community networks


Key Outputs:

  • Mapped social and community networks for identifying ‘communication pathways’ for the roll out of ‘energy discourses’

  • Explore the number, extent and capacities of people’s existing personal social networks

  • Explore how and with whom in their social networks the participants have exchanged views and opinions about their energy behaviours/take-up of new energy technologies

  • Examine the content and geographical extent of these exchanges in order to identify who, where and what the key exchanges are

  • Identify key knowledge influencers and how these might be better supported at the community level and beyond


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