evaluating low carbon communities
Low Carbon Hook Norton & Hook Norton Low Carbon Ltd

HNLC Ltd has provided interest free loans to local residents to retrofit their existing properties

First members of the community car club initiative

Low Carbon Hook Norton hold regular meetings in the famous local Hook Norton brewery

HNLC Ltd has provided interest free loans to local residents to retrofit their existing properties
Low Carbon Community Challenge (LCCC) funding
The objectives of the LCCC project are to reduce local CO2 emissions by generating renewable energy and reducing energy use through the creation of a rolling retrofitting fun for local households to overcome the barriers of upfront finance .
LCC funding has been spent on:
installing a heat recovery system, solar panels, two community pooled electric cars and a ground source heat pump at the local primary school (Hook Norton Church of England Primary School);
providing interest free loans for:
5 whole-house retro-fit homes
up to 40 homes for loft insulation, double glaxing, solar thermal, solar pvs, air source heat pumps, floor insulation, and solid wall insulation
putting a bio-diesel tank in the local brewery (Hook Norton Brewery) to supply bio-diesel fuel for the vehicles of 50 households.
installing a 40m Meteorological Mast to measure wind speed and a small 10-20kW wind turbine as part of exploring the potential for a larger community turbine.
All these activities will provide income back in to a rolling low carbon fund so that the community can continue to take action for the next 10 years.
The LCC project builds on previous efforts by people in the community to reduce their carbon footprint, including piloting the Energy Saving Trust Home Action Plan and Green Neighborhood Programme.
Low Carbon Hook Norton is a community action group which started in 2008 with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of the 2500 strong community.
Hook Norton Low Carbon Ltd, an Industrial Provident Society, is its business arm.