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Monitoring and evaluation




- M&E of low carbon community activities



- Community energy baselining and carbon mapping



- M&E of household energy improvements

How to use ENACT (ENergy And Communities Toolkit)

Saving and generating energy


- Performance and impacts of low-zero carbon technologies and renewables


- Performance of building fabric improvements

Community projects:

roles and strategies



- Low carbon communities: roles, strategies and joint working



- Carbon reduction with disadvantaged communities and households


- Sustaining community action over time

Understanding energy behaviours



- Motivating behaviour change through community events



- Motivations and obstacles to energy-saving behaviours


Community engagement



- Creativity, climate change and energy



- Social networks and community engagement



- Engaging and involving individuals through community-based projects

Energy feedback approaches



- Visualising energy at community level: carbon mapping



- Energy displays in a community and household context



- Personalised energy feedback



Finally: What else is available?

If you want to know more community-specific findings, click on the relevant community colour, or if you want a detailed overview of all findings, go for the final report!

Step Two: what type of information do you want?

Click on the appropriate symbol to download different output types, relating to the above sub-themes.


(detailed findings)


(key findings)

case study

(community or household specific findings)


(e.g. questionnaire templates, how to guides)

Step one: what do you want to find out about?

The six coloured segments of the wheel are the six key themes relating to energy and communities from the EVALOC study. The symbols on the outside of the circle represent the sub-themes. Below is a description of each sub-theme. Which aspect of energy and communities are you interested in?

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