evaluating low carbon communities
Thursday 25th April 2013
The advisory board was convened by OISD, Oxford Brookes University and ECI, University of Oxford, on 25th April 2013 to review the work undertaken by the EVALOC team in the last two years. The current board includes experts from government, academia, industry and practitioners involved in a variety of energy and community actions as well as representatives from the six communities involved in the EVALOC project.
The EVALOC team presented the work undertaken to date at both community and household level. This stimulated discussion by the board of key outputs of project, primarily the community and energy toolkits.
The wide range of roles fulfilled by community energy groups, from directly promoting and facilitating carbon reductions to helping to build valuable social networks was identified. This diversity of aims and objectives is likely to influence the development of appropriate community ‘toolkits’. A number of tools were discussed including community carbon mapping and ‘wayfinder’ system to allow groups to access relevant information and learn from the experiences of others. The key issues identified were the importance of light-touch methods of Monitoring and Evaluation and providing communities with tools to create a road-map, allowing them to carefully target future activities.
The importance of the timing and format of feedback on household energy consumption was discussed by the board, including the use of emerging and appropriate technologies.
The EVALOC team would like to thank all the Advisory Board members who attended the meeting for their valuable contributions.
We welcome any further thoughts on suitable outputs from the communities.
Second Advisory Board Meeting

Jo Hamilton presenting emerging learnings from the community events

Dr Karen Lucas, co-investigator on the EVALOC project, presenting ongoing analysis on social networks to Advisory Board Members

Discussions between the Advisory Board Members included the key outputs of the project, particularly the content and form of the community and energy toolkits

Jo Hamilton presenting emerging learnings from the community events